Estate Planning

By KobrickLawNY (other events)

Friday, March 15 2024 10:00 AM 11:30 AM EST

If you don’t have a plan and you want peace of mind in knowing that your kids will be taken cared of if something were to happen, we invite you to join attorney Anthony Moccia for a FREE online presentation where he will discuss:

How to make sure your children are set up to be cared for and raised by the people of your choosing

How to ensure the money you’ve worked so hard to earn is spent on your children and is available to care for them immediately, if something should happen.

How to avoid the most common mistakes parents make when planning for the future such as:

MISTAKE #1: Parents who have not appointed Legal Guardians for their children are leaving those decisions to the court system.

MISTAKE #2: Assuming a plan is not necessary because their family will care for their children. Children can unintentionally end up in the wrong caregiver’s hands resulting in custody battles.

MISTAKE #3: Being unprepared for something catastrophic, like a serious accident or illness. If both parents are gone, Child Protective Services is often involved.

MISTAKE #4: Not being prepared to pay for your children’s continued care, education and health care.